The Art of Partnership
Whether we like it or not, our lives consist of a network of relationships. Business, family, romance, spirituality, and self-image all require the skill of partnership. Partnership is about equality, respect, and commonality. The Art of Partnership is a training program where two or more people learn to join in a common purpose, vision and goal. Connecting multiple ego wills into one True will creates an unbreakable synergy in which anything is possible. Here’s just a portion of what you’ll learn:
A technology to join in a common purpose, vision and goal
More constructive and co-operative ways of relating
A technique to release the traumas and relationships from your past that no longer serve you
How to perceive without judgments and separation
How to release the barriers that keep you from joining completely with others
A structured process to resolve conflicts
How to accomplish goals by joining in purpose
How to create a successful team
Who is this series for?
Businesses and organizations that want to create more productive, synergetic teams
Families that strive for harmony and cooperation
Couples that want to ensure their relationship will be fulfilling and last forever
Couples on the brink of divorce or separation that feel there are no more alternatives.
Singles who want to remove barriers that prevent them from finding the perfect partner
People who want to enrich their relationships with themselves
The Workshop is a small workshop with a high participant-to-assistant ratio. During the course, participants are taught the tools for building extraordinary relationships, while simultaneously practicing those skills with a team of highly trained assistants.
Next Workshop Date:
Interested in hosting this workshop in your area? Call Sandy now! (360) 527-2796