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The Power of Clearing

"Deep feelings of guilt hide in our relationships with partners, parents, siblings and co-workers," notes Sandy. "People come to this process to heal from years of relationship and familial pain - the pain of not being received, heard, or seen. I love the Clearing Process because it goes so quickly to the point of the challenge in each person’s life and many times to the originating scene of where this pain came from.”


Sandy's special brand of coaching has helped thousands of clients reconcile with their spouses, rekindle relationships with absent fathers, renew loving, permanent connection with domineering mothers and re-establish productive, rewarding careers.  Her process ends separation, isolation, and aloneness between people and creates joy, oneness, and bonding.


You will learn lifelong tools for changing the way you view your relationships, finances, and personal success. The Clearing Process creates a unique space for honoring all relationships by releasing past traumas which are consciously or unconsciously affecting our current relationships by being projected onto them if they have not been healed or released. The goal of the Power of Clearing is to find that True Self buried deep within a history of trauma, negative beliefs, and judgments, and allow it to emerge, thrive, grow, and be acknowledged.


During the group workshop, you will have the opportunity to do an individual clearing with Sandy or one of the coaches. You will have your fellow participants witness this clearing so you can continue supporting each other after your original clearing for further clearing. Each individual clearing may take 1-2 hours depending on the participant's history and challenges. This involves going over the great traumas and challenges in your life to find exactly what you want to clear. We are also happy to do this process for whole families, businesses, networks, or friends as well. The clearing process is individualized to each person’s life and history.


The goal of the clearing process is 100% Peace and Presence. It is the cornerstone of all of Sandy Levey-Lunden’s 24 different workshops.

Next Workshop Date:

Interested in hosting this workshop in your area?  Call Sandy now! (360) 527-2796

*All enrollments are subject to our Cancellation Policy
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